“People can tell you to keep your mouth shut, but that doesn't stop you from having your own opinion.” ( Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl)

Sunday 17 March 2013

my story #part 8 my hectic life!


jumaat (15032013) - tengahari keluar untuk beli barang BIG nanti. malam terus sambung buat assignments Titas and BM sehingga pukul 3 pagi !

sabtu (16032013) - bangun almost pukul 10 lebih2. kelas literature pukul 2 petang - 9.30 malam ! (lama sangat2,tapi alhamdulillah,selesai sudah presentation for literature assignment) balik bilik terus sambung hadap assignments BM dan selesaikan draft untuk assignment Linguistic ! pukul 1 pagi study untuk Test computer sehingga pukul 4 pagi. 

ahad (17032013) - kelas pukul 8 pagi - 1 tengahari. meeting taklimat SBE sampai pukul 2. bertolak ke Shahab Perdana pada pukul 3 petang - 5 petang untuk Test Computer. alhamdulillah. LULUS! ke dewan besar IPDA untuk program bersama Ustaz Don sehingga pukul 11.30 malam. packing untuk BIG !

isnin (18032013) - Bina Insan Guru selama 4 hari 3 malam di Teluk Nipah.

#doakan hidup saya kembali normal cuti ini :)

Saturday 9 March 2013

my story #part7 LESEN MEMANDU


alhamdulillah, jumaat lepas dah buat langkah pertama bagi projek buat lesen kereta motor ni. alahai inilah akibatnya bila tak buat lesen awal-awal dulu. hello !! i ni wirawati negara oke ! hahahaa.. *ok stop*

ringkas cerita, saya pergi kelas KPP (Kursus Pendidikan Pemandu) selama 5 jam di Alor Star.
pepagi hari lagi bangun and bersiap untuk ke kelas. semangat habis ! adeshh ! memang habis satu hari cutiku ! hehe. its ok. demi Abah dan Umi dan kerjayaku seksok, saya gagahi langkah dengan perut yang lapar, mata yang layu. hahahaa

kelas tuh terbahagi kepada dua sesi, iaitu sesi pagi and sesi petang.
jujur saya katakan, saya memang MENGANTUK yang amat kelas pagi tuh. memang tak dapat tahan ah ! and lapar ! and sejuk dalam kelas tuh ! alahaaii memang mencabar betul.. risau jugak sebab ilmu2 tuh penting kena belajar, tapi apakan daya, mata saya amat2 lah manja hari tuhhh... -_-

bukti tahap kemengantukan tahap maksimum!

alhamdulillah after break and makan, kelas sesi petang tuh segar lah sikit. and guess what ? cikgu yang mengaja sesi petang tu memang iras-iras ngan ustaz Don gtu ( opss lupa plak apa nama cikgu tuh ). siyess eh..haha cara dia mengajar pun best.. menarik minat pelajar yang suka tidur dalam kelas macam saya neh :P

ada dua perkara dia yang buat saya rasa macam, wargghhh betul3 !!

he asked,
kenapa manusia merompak sedangkan dia tahu yang merompak itu adalah salah ?
jawapannya senang sahaja, kerana TIDAK DAPAT MENAHAN NAFSU !

same like kat jalan raya.
kenapa manusia nak bawak kete laju2 sedangkan dia tahu yang perkara itu merbahaya dan melanggar peraturan ?
jawapannya sama jugalah, kerana TIDAK DAPAT MENAHAN NAFSU !

then he said,

ramai orang yang datang nak buat lesen, memang dengan nawaitu nak buat dan ada lesen semata-mata. namun tak mau belajar dan patuhi undang-undang jalan raya.
ibaratnya, orang islam yang nakkan agama islam, tapi tak mau belajar tentang agama dan tidak mengamalkannya.

semuanya datang dengan pakej. nak jadi muslim, kena belajar dan amalkan ajaran agama.
same goes to lesen. nak dapatkan lesen, pakej dia kena belajar and patuhi undang-undang jalan raya.

*wahhh hebat ah cikgu ni.* *mata terbeliak*

alhamdulillah, dua perkara inilah yang membuka pintu hati saya untuk terus membuka mata dan mendengar kuliah sesi petang tuh. hehehe.. sekian, wassalam.

p.s : semoga cik nur fatnin izni berjaya mendapatkan lesen kereta dan motor pada tahun ini, amin. :)

Friday 1 March 2013


A week after our daughter Lauren was born, my wife Bonnie and I were completely 
exhausted. Each night Lauren kept waking us. Bonnie had been torn in the delivery and 
was taking painkillers. She could barely walk. After five days of staying home to help, 
I went back to work. She seemed to be getting better.
While I was away she ran out of pain pills. Instead of calling me at the office, she asked 
one of my brothers, who was visiting, to purchase more. My brother, however, did not 
return with the pills. Consequently, she spent the whole day in pain, taking care of a 
I had no idea that her day had been so awful. When I returned home she was very 
upset. I misinterpreted the cause of her distress and thought she was blaming me.
She said, "I've been in pain all day.... I ran out of pills. I've been stranded in bed and 
nobody cares!"
I said defensively, "Why didn't you call me?"
She said, "I asked your brother, but he forgot! I've' been waiting for him to return all 
day. What am I supposed to do? I can barely walk. I feel so deserted!"
At this point I exploded. My fuse was also very short that day. I was angry that she 
hadn't called me. I was furious that she was blaming me when I didn't even know she 
was in pain. After exchanging a few harsh words, I headed for the door. I was fired, 
irritable, and had heard enough. We had both reached our limits.
Then something started to happen that would change my life.
Bonnie said, "Stop, please don't leave. This is when I need you the most. I'm in pain. I 
haven't slept in days. Please listen to me."
I stopped for a moment to listen.
She said, "John Gray, you're a fair-weather friend! As long as I'm sweet, loving Bonnie 
you are here for me, but as soon as I'm not, you walk right out that door."
Then she paused, and her eyes filled up with tears. As her tone shifted she said, "Right 
now I'm in pain. I have nothing to give, this is when I need you the most. Please, come 
over here and hold me. You don't have to say anything. I just need to feel your arms 
around me. Please don't go."
I walked over and silently held her. She wept in my arms. After a few minutes, she 
thanked me for not leaving. She told me that she just needed to feel me holding her.
At that moment I started to realize the real meaning of love unconditional love. I had always thought of myself as a loving person. But she was right. I had been a 
fair-weather friend. As long as she was happy and nice, I loved back. But if she was 
unhappy or upset, I would feel blamed and then argue or distance myself.That day, for the first time, I didn't leave her. I stayed, and it felt great. I succeeded in
giving to her when she really needed me. This felt like real love. Caring for another
person. Trusting in our love. Being there at her hour of need. I marvelled at how easy it
was for me to support her when I was shown the way.

How had I missed this? She just needed me to go over and hold her. Another woman
would have instinctively known what Bonnie needed. But as a man, I didn't know that
touching, holding, and listening were so important to her. By recognizing these
differences I began to learn a new way of relating to my wife. I would have never
believed we could resolve conflict so easily.

* Men Are from Mars,Women Are from Venus by John Gray, Ph.D.*